Ok, so I'm 4 heavy Jack-n-Cokes into this (and a celebratory beer slam that I may or may not have spilled all over my face). Needless to say there was no running diary of the Sox game tonight as I couldn't sit down long enough to not spill a drink on my face, let alone type a running diary.
Anyway, I need to get this out first......
Ok, that feels better. My hatred for the Cubs is well-known, (unless you don't know me and in that case why are you reading my shit), and as much as I hate those fuckers about 7 miles north of the good team, I'm convinced I hate the Twins at least 3x as much. (Could be more, I'm no mathematician) So seeing them celebrate a division championship on US Cellular Field would have been enough for me to hang myself. Words cannot describe how big this win was for me.
Now let's get into the action.
It was a 1-0 game, so this shouldn't take long.
I don't want to say John Danks is a god, but he was god-like. 8 innings. 2 hits. Most importantly, ZERO runs. I knew this kid was going to be a good one. But I didn't think he'd be this good this soon. He's everything that Javy Vazquez isn't. That makes me even more happy.
And Mr. Incredible (have you seen a side by side pic of Thome and Incredible) hit a Moon-shot. If I had made it to the game (long story, I thought I was gonna get a ticket twice and blew it) that probably woulda hit me in the head. My dad and I love that Concession stand as we can get a Heinekin for 50 cents more than a MGD. (worth the upgrade when paying $6+ a beer) A couple of thoughts about the bomb though.
Thought #1, As much as I hate Hawk and DJ, and least when there's a moonshot like that I know its gone immediately. These TBS announcers fucked with my emotions by not letting me know it was gone til it cleared the fence by about 90 feet. That's just not nice. Don't they know I'm on the verge of a heart-ache (and half-drunk) and can't handle shit like that?
Thought #2, that's Thome's 2nd HR that hit the concourse this year that was a huge homer. The other was a walk-off against the Angels. There might not have even been another homer by anyone to hit the concourse b/c that's an incredible bomb. (I haven't researched this so I don't know for sure) To do this twice, with super-meaningful homeruns is absolutely unthinkable. If I had a vote he just got himself into the hall of fame on his first try.
Speaking of Hall of Fame. Future first ballot HOFer Ken Griffey Jr showed the defense again tonight for the first time in years. He kept the only Twins threat off the board with that gun to home to get some n0-name Twins fuck out. Griffey was always one of my child-hood favorites and to see him come up big in the field tonight was great. (I also saw his first Sox homer in person this year) He's provided some nice memories in that #17 jersey, even if its for less than half a season. I won't forget this.
And finally... Big Bad Bobby Jenks brought it in the 9th. I havent seen that 99 mph fastball since the '05 World Series. I know adrenaline is huge in closers, and maybe he doesn't get his juiced til the postseason. But I'm feeling good b/c if the Sox can get a 9th inning lead, they're gonna win.
Luckily, I've got a day off to recoup before stressing over Thursday's game (and probably swearing while listening on the radio at work). My liver needs this. Go Sox!
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